据报道,一位名叫Manoj Bhargava的印度裔美国企业家,他创立了凭天空车队,并宣布将提供10,000台这样的“新能源”自行车给印度。这些自行车能够将你的每一次踩踏转化为家用电能,满足家庭基本用电需求。他称,这些设备非常经济实用,对于全世界都有广泛适应性,而且价格只有100美元。这一概念虽然可能有些乐观,但它无疑是解决全球能源危机的一种创新思路。
Bhargava himself is a well-known entrepreneur, the founder of 5-Hour Energy, with a net worth of over 40 billion dollars. His Billions in Change initiative aims to creatively solve global crises in water resources, energy, and health. He has pledged to donate 99% of his wealth to charity.
These bicycles are expected to be shipped to India next year and will come in two versions: one for developed regions and another for developing regions. The latter version will have a lower price point due to subsidies from the former.
As I read this exciting news story, I couldn't help but feel inspired along with you - imagine if we could all make such an impact on our world by simply enjoying our hobbies!