



分析显示,技术潜水需要大量设备以确保安全,但世界上卖设备的地方不会为你安排培训、教训或提供精心设计的计划。尽管如此,有一个专业人士应该遵循详细计划和规定,以保证安全性。如果Philloved his plan, but he didn't follow it due to the excitement of reaching his target or the nitrogen effect on his judgment. The most important thing is to switch breathing air and have enough "descent gas" for the journey.

The lesson from Phil's death is that any new type of diving should seek appropriate training. The more complex the diving technology, the more time you need to train. There should be a diving plan and follow it. It's important to know your limits and stick to your plan. Dive with companions whenever possible, as they can help you out of difficult situations underwater.

Don't let a goal cloud your judgment; no dive is worth risking your life for. Dive rationally in a safe manner to achieve your diving goals.