
目前,加拿大已经允许持旅游签且打完辉瑞、莫德纳、阿斯利康和强生疫苗的旅客入境。11月30日之后,打完中国国药或科兴疫苗的人,就可以直接入境加拿大免隔离啦!不仅如此,打过这两种疫苗的旅游签持有者也可以入境加拿大! 中国旅行者在到达加拿大后无需再次接种其他疫苗就可以获得加拿大各省疫苗护照和境内自由旅行的资格。 加拿大宣布认可中国疫苗 加拿大时间11月19日,加拿大联邦政府召开新闻发布会,宣布将扩大认可疫苗清单。 扩大的清单将包括国药(Sinopharm)、科兴(Sinovac)、以及Covaxin这三种疫苗,与世界卫生组织(WTO)紧急使用清单相匹配。 这意味着,从11月30日开始,入境加拿大的旅客必须证明在抵达前至少14天已经完全接种了世界卫生组织(WTO)批准的疫苗。 而来自中国的旅客,在入境前14天已完成国药或者科兴疫苗接种全过程,也可以入境加拿да。



Canada's federal government also announced changes to the border testing rules at the press conference, making it easier for people to travel short distances: From November 30th onwards, Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and Indigenous peoples who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will no longer need to present a PCR nucleic acid test report when returning to Canada if they have traveled abroad for less than 72 hours. The same rule applies to travelers from China who have completed the full vaccination process with either Sinopharm or Sinovac vaccines.

The new rules also state that travelers must provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination through ArriveCAN within 72 hours before their trip and bring a paper copy of the document upon arrival in Canada. If your vaccine record is not in English or French, you must obtain a translation from an accredited translation agency.

Random testing may be conducted by border officials after arrival in Canada. Travelers selected for random testing do not need to wait for results and can proceed directly to their destination.

As the borders continue to open further, there is expected to be a surge in applications from foreign applicants seeking entry into Canada. This presents an opportunity for those waiting on Canadian visas or other immigration opportunities.