大部分英国留学生都是在秋季(即9月/10月)入学,这与国内高校的开学时间基本相同。 但如果你因为各种原因(如参加高考、考研等)错过了秋季入学,仍可选择次年春季(1月/2月)入学课程。这样可以大大节省时间成本,没有必要再GAP一年! 格拉斯哥大学 格拉斯哥大学开设的1月入学课程: Aerospace Engineering Management MSc Church History Theology MTh Civil Engineering Management MSc Educational Studies MSc Electronics Electrical Engineering MSc Electronics Electrical Engineering Management MSc Mechanical Engineering Management MSc 埃克塞特大学 埃克塞特大学2025年1月入学的硕士课程的申请现已开放: MSc Business Analytics MSc Business and Management MSc International Business and Strategy MSc Engineering Business Management MSc International Supply Chain Management 利物浦大学 利物浦大学2025年1月入学的硕士课程及申请截止日期如下: 阿伯丁大学 阿伯丁大学开设了非常多2025年1月入学的硕士课程,比如: Arts and Literature MLitt Creative Writing MSc Cultural Creative Communication MLitt English Language and Literature MLitt Film, Visual Culture And Arts Management MSc Global Business Communication MLitt Literatures, Environments and Places MMus Music MSc TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Biological and Environmental Sciences MSc Environmental Science Business and Finance MBA Business Administration MSc (Econ) Accounting And Finance MSc (Econ) Finance Investment Management (no CFA Exam) MSc (Econ) Finance Investment Management (with CFA) MSc International Business Finance MSc International Business Management MSc International Finance Political Relations MSc International Human Resource Manageme Computing and Mathematics MSc Artificial Intelligence MSc Data Science MSc Information Technology Education MEd Inclusive Practice Law LLM Business Law Sustainable Development LLM Criminal Justice LLM Criminal Justice Human Rights LLM Energy And Environmental Law with Dissertation LLM Energy And Environmental Law with Professional Skills LLM Energy Economics and Law MSc Energy Economics and Law LLM Energy Law with Dissertation LLM Energy Law with Professional Skills MSc Energy Politics and Law LLM General Law 拉夫堡大学 拉夫堡大学2025年1月春季开学研究生课程列表: MA Communication, Media and Development MA MSc Design Innovation MSc Digital Entrepreneurship MSc Digital Finance MSc Digital Marketing MA Digital Media and Creative Industries MSc Diplomacy and International Relations MSc Diplomacy and Sport MSc Diplomacy International Business and Trade MSc Diplomacy International Politics and Trade MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation MA International Development MSc International Human Resource Management MSc International Management MSc International Management and Emerging Economies MSc International Sustainable Development MSc Risk Governance and International Management MSc Security Peace-building and Diplomacy MSc Sport Marketing MSc Sustainable Management MSc Sustainable Sport Business 伦敦玛丽女王大学 Banking and Finance MSc Banking and Finance (Conversion) MSc Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月) Investment and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月) Management MSc Management with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月) Medical Education MA Sorbonne - Queen Mary Double LLM Commercial Law Dual LLM (London and Singapore) LLM Laws (Paris) LLM