Birmingham International Airport (伯明翰国际机场)
机场外停泊的Black Cab(真的就是叫这个,因为它是黑得)出租车会为您提供24小时全天候服务。不过,小黑的收费还是挺吓人的,每次看着那个计价器跳,心也会跟着跳,然后钱包就开始滴血。如果想乘坐的士到较远的地方,倒也可以尝试上车前和司机讨价还价。另外,所有巴士都停在候机楼外,有设有巴士时间、费用问询柜台。这时候就要考验大家英文的时候了。机场还有免费穿梭巴士(飞机-铁路连接),会于05:15至02:00每2分钟开出一班,为刚到的您提供伯明翰国际机场铁路站之间的接泊服务。此铁路站沿西海岸主线,以快速及频密的班次连接英国地方。维珍列车(Virgin Trains)和Central Trains Direct也在此提供直通车服务。不过坐火车还是要记得提前办理Young Person Card噢。
Heathrow (希斯罗机场)
希斯罗机场有T1、T2、T3、T4、T5共计五个航站楼,中国飞来的航班一般在T3/T4/T5航站楼停靠较多,对应的是中途转机抵达London的人,所以新来的留学生看好自己的机票,核对清楚啦,每个航站楼间隔较远往往开车都要15分钟左右。你选择从希斯罗再到各城市交通方式中,有四类:包车学校接机搭乘火車搭乘Coach(国内咱们通常说的长途大巴)。包车:学校或者中介帮忙找的是老外司机会一个小型私家轿车接送可能只接你,也可能顺搭上差不多航班抵达的人,这样可能就会比较贵学 校 接機:一般是免費,而且還會有一些親切學長姐作為志願者來接你,但是學校一般只集中在固定的几个日期和時間,這樣就要看你的飛機時間喽 搭乘火車:一般初來的大使們不會選擇,因為還需要涉及從希斯羅先坐地鐵到倫敦市中心,再換乘火車,其實也不便宜。而且如果沒有辦理Young Person Card,那更是不合適。伦敦地铁人比较多,而且会有很多黑人,对治安不是很好的地方尤其是在晚上。而且伦敦的地铁历史悠久,没有电梯这回事可能大家从来没有见过,但这就是悠久历史的地铁,如果行李过多的话需要拖着行李爬楼梯,对于柔弱的小女生来说该是多大的挑战。而且伦敦地铁也不是可以到任何你想到的地方,你可能还需要换乘或者出门打出租车,而伦敦的小黑(taxi)价格可是心惊肉跳啊。 机场大巴时间有限,每天只限定的班次,而且每人只能携带一件行李,所以整体来说并不是很方便尤其是在去其他城市的情况下总之还是需要换乘或者倒車の Coach:這裡預訂上的也是個挑戰了價格相較於火車肯定便宜一些但是中途無數個停靠點估計也讓人抓狂了
Manchester Airport (曼彻斯特airport)
Manchester airport to city, can take the train from the airport station to Piccadilly station in the city, takes 15-25 minutes. In Britain, it's best to have a Young Person Card when taking trains for discounts but there are limited ticketing counters at Manchester airport and long queues may form while you're waiting with your luggage so it's not recommended to go straight from the plane to buy a ticket.
There is also another transportation option which is National Express coach at T2 terminal but frequencies are limited and mainly goes to Manchester coach station, going other cities will be expensive on-site purchase tickets. Remember that each coach allows only limited baggage allowance so make sure inquire before buying tickets.
Edinburgh Airport (爱丁堡Airport)
Since Edinburgh has no direct trains or subway lines connecting directly with the airport, passengers heading for central Edinburgh would need either public buses or taxis. The Airlink bus service operated by Lothian Transport connects the airport with Waverley Bridge in central Edinburgh every 10 minutes between 06:00 and midnight.
5.London Gatwick Airport(伦敦盖特威克Airport)
Gatwick is one of London's two major airports; as measured by passenger traffic per year it is second-largest after Heathrow London Gatwick Airport serves around 70 airlines flying to over 200 destinations worldwide It has two terminals North Terminal and South Terminal connected by a shuttle service called "The Shuttle" which runs continuously throughout operating hours both terminals have shops restaurants bars cafes car rental desks lost property offices currency exchange facilities and ATMs
By train passengers can take Southern British Railways First Capital Connect Virgin Trains or First Great Western Link trains into Victoria Station London Bridge Station Brighton etc Also there is an express train known as "Gatwick Express" running non-stop between Victoria Station & Gatwick Airport
By road coaches serve both terminals There are over four hundred routes served daily including services within England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Europe Africa Asia Australia New Zealand South America Central America Caribbean And Middle East
In summary seeing these British airports except feeling instant awe what do you think about understanding British airports better? Finally remember that each of these airports has well-developed public transport systems convenient for those studying in their respective cities however for those studying nearby cities they need multiple changes thus choose an appropriate UK airport near your destination university