

1.2 国际化教育:吸引力与挑战

1.2.1 国际化课程体系


1.2.2 国际师资队伍建设


1.3 本土优势:根植于传统、展开未来

1.3.1 文化底蕴与历史积淀


1.3.2 政策支持与产业发展联动


1.4 接受转学回国大学:双向互利共赢模式构建



acceptance of transfer students returning to their home country is a trend that reflects the integration of internationalization and localization in higher education, creating a win-win situation for both domestic universities and international students who wish to return home for further study or career development opportunities are emerging as a result of this trend, offering a unique combination of global perspectives and local advantages that can enhance the overall quality of education provided by these institutions.

In conclusion, accepting transfer students back into domestic universities has become an important strategy for many educational institutions looking to capitalize on the benefits offered by both internationalization and localization in higher education today's globalized world presents numerous challenges but also offers countless opportunities for those who seek them out with careful planning and execution, it is possible to create truly inclusive learning environments where all participants can thrive regardless of their background or experience