澳大利亚11月1日全面开放国门!卫生部长宣布:接种疫苗的游客可自由出境,豁免令不再需!昨夜,澳大利亚卫生部长Greg Hunt签署了自11月1日起无限制出境旅游的协议,为澳洲公民和永久居民解除了旅行禁令。这是自18个月以来澳大利亚政府首次取消大规模的旅游限制,这一举措正值其推进重新开放计划并放宽部分旅行限制。然而,要顺利出境仍需满足一个重要条件:完成两剂新冠疫苗接种!旅客必须在机场办理登机手续时提供新冠疫苗接种证明,以证实自己已经完成两剂疫苗接种。
内政部长Karen Andrews表示,取消对完全接種過疫苗的人出境限制与 澳洲不断提高的疫苗接種率以及联邦政府重新开放计划相符。“我们的首要任务是保护澳大利亚公民和永久居民”,她说,“今天,我们为完全接受过新冠疫苗的人取消了对他们出境的所有限制。” she also thanked all those who had done the right thing and accepted the vaccine, which made it possible to relax restrictions.
Andrews further stated that Australia is preparing to welcome back vaccinated skilled migrants and international students by the end of the year. Prime Minister Morrison confirmed that fully vaccinated Australians will be able to resume international travel from next month. Starting from last Monday, individuals who have received two doses of a vaccine approved by TGA can leave Australia and self-isolate for seven days upon their return.
For students seeking to study abroad, they can use the Study Abroad Positioning System //school.liuxue315.cn/studyassess?ozs=96341-2709 to get an assessment of their suitability for different schools and programs based on their academic performance, language scores, etc. The system automatically matches cases in its database with similar profiles and provides insights into potential destinations.
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