
First rule of shopping for college? Some stuff that seems excessive, is essential. 大学购物第一原则?许多东西看似多余实际却是至关重要。 Many of your fellow students won’t discover this until they’re in a pinch, but by then it’ll be too late. You know, like the night before a project or that awkward moment when their dorm room smells like a gym locker. You, however, will be calm, cool and collected (and aroma-free) – having anticipated the essentials and sitting back enjoying the breeze from your tower fan (see #6 below). 你的许多同窗都不会发现这些事情直到这些事情开始使他们头疼,但那时就为时已晚了。你可以想象下,比如说项目开工的前一晚或是当他们的宿舍如同健身房储物柜一般的弥漫着一股酸臭汗味时。而你,将会很冷静、镇定、泰然自若(并且没有异味)——坐拥想当初就预料到的必需品,享受塔扇(详见下文)送给你的清风吧。 Here are a few must-haves: 以下就是一些“必备”物品: Water filter/pitcher 过滤器、过滤水壶 Tap water in many dorms is, how shall we say… a little nasty. Definitely not suitable for a freshman on the go. Turn it into healthy, tasty drinking water with the water filtration pitcher. 在大多宿舍的自来水,怎么说呢,都有点令人不悦。作为一个新生绝对会感到不适。用过滤水壶把它转变为健康、好喝的饮用水。 Odor-killing trash bags 除异味垃圾袋 Small spaces call for big ideas – not big odors. Odor-killing trash bags scented with Febreze will keep any fragrant faux pas to a bare minimum. Keep your trash out of the way – and smelling fresh. 小空间需求大想法——而不是大味道。除异味垃圾袋散发淡淡香味会将任何味道上的失礼降低到最小。不让你的垃圾挡路——气味清新。 Multi-plug extension cord 多项电源插板 Laptop, tablet, phone, fridge, TV, lamp… the list goes on but the wall outlets always seem to stop short. Maximize your space – and keep your life super-charged – with Multi-plug the outlet extension cord. 电脑、平板、电话、电冰箱、电视、点灯……长长的电器清单继续罗列但是墙上的电源插座却没有了。最大化利用你的空间——并且使你的生活充满电量——在多项电源插板的协助下。 Febreze 织物除味剂 This stuff works magic – no joke. Freshen up your room and bathroom with the meadows and rain scent. Who says cleaning up after yourself is so hard? DISCLAIMER: It won’t make your roommate any cleaner, but at least their laundry hamper will be a bit more tolerable. 这东西简直就是化腐朽为神奇——不是开玩笑。让你的房间和卫生间清新而充满雨后青草的芳香。谁说为自己情结房间是件难事?“免责声明”:它可没办法把你的室友变干净,但是至少能使他们脏衣篮变得稍稍可以忍受下。 Scissors 剪刀 A classic is a classic for a reason, and a pair of scissors is the throwback to get the job done. Whether it’s opening a care package or completing an art project, you can’t go wrong with this time tested, teacher-approved tool. 经典之所以成为经典是有原因的,一副剪刀可以成功逆袭使工作顺利完成。不论是开爱心包裹还是完成一件艺术品,这件历经时间考验、老师验证的工具都绝对没有错。 Tower fan 塔扇 Even when classes are heating up you’ll stay cool with the tower fan. Better equipped with an automatic shut-off timer plus sleep and breeze controls, it allows you to customize your chill factor no matter how hot things get outside. 尽管课程逐渐热络起来,塔扇依然会使你保持“冷酷”。最好是有自动定时关机和睡眠风的控制选项,这将允许你设定你的凉爽指数,不论外面有多热。 Second rule of shopping for college? Even when you think you’ve anticipated every possible need…chances are pretty good you’ll find yourself in a pinch at some point. Have a gift card or two handy – to stock up on those unexpected essentials. 大学购物第二原则?即使你觉得你已经准备了所有可以预期的需求……很有可能你还是会发现自己处于头疼的境地。那就准备一、两张代金卡吧——为不时之需备货。