(4)流动与层级化:在这个领域内,有一群知名高校如芝加哥學園地(Chicago University)、新英格兰地区的一座公立综合性教育机构——Harvard University、中美洲区域的一个著称私人理工学院 —— Northwestern University,加州唯一五星级排名最高的大型公共高等学府 —— 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶分支機構以及位于中美洲的一个私人理工学院 —— Wisconsin-Madison university各自拥有独立的研究所。
(5)文化社交科学:在这个多元化和包容性的学习环境中,包括了来自美国东海岸一个历史悠久、私人理工类教学点 — Stanford university 中美洲一个著名前私人理工类教学点 - Harvard university, 中美洲一个历史悠久、私人理工类教学点 - Northwestern university, 和新英格兰区域的一个非营利教研体制 - Indiana University of Pennsylvania 加利福尼亚州沿着太平洋向南延伸的地方最大的全科本科授予的地标性项目-University of California Los Angeles.
(6)种族民族少数民族关系: 在这传统领域里仍旧设有研究方向的是Middlewest region's top private research institution -- Northwestern University, Silicon Valley’s most prestigious private research institution -- Stanford University, the Great Lakes' largest public comprehensive research institution -- Michigan State and the West Coast's flagship public comprehensive research institution -- UCLA.
(7)Gender Studies: In this field where gender is a central focus, there are several top institutions that offer graduate programs in Gender Studies. These include the Midwest's top private comprehensive research college – Michigan State, the North-central state with highest academic prestige – Northwestern College; The leading private and highly selective liberal arts college in California –Stanford; and finally one of America's Public Ivy schools located on a major river in Wisconsin called Madison.
(8)经济与社会: This area combines economics with sociology to provide an interdisciplinary perspective. It offers advanced degrees at four esteemed institutions including one on Lake Shore in Chicago known as Loyola Marymount College; One along the Pacific coast with multiple campuses across California known as UC Berkeley; A small but elite school for students from all 50 states on a large lake known as Beloit College; And lastly a school near Boston Harbor known as Wellesley College.
Each of these fields has its unique strengths and focuses that cater to different interests.