与我国北方寺庙栽种银杏习惯类似, 日本寺庙多栽种枫树,在那里你可以欣赏到古老寺院和现代城市之间独特而迷人的对比。而且,不同地区、不同季节呈现出不同的色彩和光线,这一切都是自然界赋予给我们的礼物,让我们沉醉于其中,让心灵得到洗涤。
摄于Japanese Nakasendo Trail, autumn foliage along the old road, with Japanese maple trees in full color.
Japan's autumn foliage season usually lasts from mid-September to early December. The most popular places for viewing fall leaves include Kyoto's Arashiyama, Nikko Toshogu Shrine, and Koyasan Okunoin Cemetery. In addition to these well-known spots, there are many other hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
If you're planning a trip to Japan during this time of year, be sure not to miss out on the stunning natural beauty that awaits you. Whether it's a leisurely stroll through a temple garden or a hike in the mountains, Japan has something for everyone who loves nature and its ever-changing seasons.
So if one day you find yourself standing at an intersection where life takes another turn and asks which path you should take next; remember that if one day can only go once again in your life journey——Japan Autumn will be my choice!