
在一个偏远的山村里,有一位被村民们称作“那傻瓜”的老人。他的名字叫李明,他是村子里最懒惰的人,总是躺在家中不愿意出门做任何事情。 villagers often joke that he is the village's "idiot" because of his laziness and naivety.

One day, a traveler named Wang came to the village. He was known as "that person" by the villagers due to his mysterious nature and occasional visits. Wang was an old friend of Li Ming's from their childhood days, but they had lost contact over time.

Wang noticed Li Ming's situation and decided to help him. He began by encouraging Li Ming to take up gardening, which eventually turned into a thriving business for both men. They grew vegetables and fruits together, with Wang teaching Li Ming new techniques and methods.

As their garden flourished, it attracted visitors from nearby villages who were impressed by its beauty and bounty. This led to more opportunities for trade between them, further enhancing their friendship.

However, not everyone in the village was happy about this change in status quo. Some residents resented Wang for making money while others felt threatened by his influence on Li Ming.

In response to these concerns, Wang proposed an idea: he would invest some of his earnings into building a community center where people could gather for social events or learn new skills like gardening or cooking. The project became a huge success as it brought everyone together regardless of their backgrounds or interests.

Thanks to Wang’s initiative and support from other villagers who saw potential in working together towards common goals - such as improving infrastructure - life in the once isolated mountainous region transformed significantly over time with “that person” (Wang) acting as catalysts behind many positive changes alongside “the idiot” (Li).
