
目前,加拿大已经允许持旅游签且打完辉瑞、莫德纳、阿斯利康和强生疫苗的旅客入境。11月30日之后,打完中国国药或科兴疫苗的人,就可以直接入境加拿大免隔离啦!不仅如此,打过这两种疫苗的旅游签持有者也可以入境加拿大! 中国旅行者在到达加拿大后无需再次接种其他疫苗就可以获得加拿大各省疫苗护照和境内自由旅行的资格。 加拿大宣布认可中国疫苗 加拿大时间11月19日,加拿大联邦政府召开新闻发布会,宣布将扩大认可疫苗清单。 扩大的清单将包括国药(Sinopharm)、科兴(Sinovac)、以及Covaxin这三种疫苗,与世界卫生组织(WTO)紧急使用清单相匹配。 这意味着,从11月30日开始,入境加拿大的旅客必须证明在抵达前至少14天已经完全接种了世界卫生组织(WTO)批准的疫苗。 而来自中国的旅客,在入境前14天已完成国药或者科兴疫苗接种全过程,也可以入境加拿да。


Canada's new immigration minister Sean Fraser has been in office for a month now. Just recently, this mysterious immigration minister finally accepted his first media interview since taking office! He explained to the outside world the challenges he has faced and the future trends of migration development.

Immigration Minister Interview

Canada's new Immigration Minister Sean Fraser recently accepted his first interview since taking office. Reporters from Bloomberg and Toronto Star interviewed the new Immigration Minister about his role and the challenges he faces.

From two news articles, I summarized five important points revealed by Fraser during this interview.

The target of 40.1 million immigrants for 2021 remains stable.

According to Canada Immigration Department data, Canada welcomed 46,315 new immigrants in October alone, making it a total of 31.3 million immigrants so far this year.

Currently, Immigration Department is only short by 8.8 million to reach its target of 40.1 million immigrants.

In other words, with just two months left in the year, Canada needs only an additional four thousand four hundred people each month to meet its quota goal.

Even more surprising is that according to current plans for next year’s immigration quotas are set at approximately41.1 million but with some adjustments could be increased further – filling up currently severe labor shortages!

On whether or not there will continue increasing immigration quotas,

Fraser stated: “I can tell you no later than mid-February next year.”

Accelerating approvals solving case backlog!

When asked about dealing with the existing backlog of over one eight zero thousand applications at Immigration Department,

Fraser replied: “I wish I could tell you all these problems would be solved overnight but I cannot.”

"I plan on speeding up approval processes which will be good news for those families trying start anew in Canada,

reunite with loved ones,

and contribute economically."

New policies improve family reunification process!

Fraser believes some current policies lack reasonable operation and procedure

and should adjust through legislation to reduce conflicts.

He says denying temporary entry visas to those waiting on sponsorship application is completely meaningless.

Long-term strategy still favorable towards tech migrants!

As always dependent on long term success from talents around world from different fields

the nation relies heavily upon them - foreign workers being no exception promoting economic stability long term development locally as well as nationally - nothing changes here either

This latest interview once again gives hope for all tech migrant applicants that future attitudes toward both domestic & international tech migrants remain unchanged favorably towards them